When we sit with our elders
Veins and experiences running up and down their tired arms
When we listen to words
That flow out of mouths consumed with knowledge
When we watch the movement of dim eyes
Which have seen war and death
I remember our future
The future everybody says is bleak
But yet
The fool
- or the dreamer
That I am
Believes otherwise
They fight for scraps
For more authority
And bigger dues
But our roads gape with holes
And our women die of diseases
Like child birth
Am I a fool
- or a dreamer
For wanting to stay?
Because I believe
I still believe
That there is hope here
I keep thinking of the biggest revolution
The most effective one
A complete shut down of soceity
Stock your houses with a month's worth of food
And stay in doors
Host cookouts in your block in the evenings
Share your food and clothes
No school
No work
No church
No mosque
Let the garbage pile up
Let the sewage over flow
Let it all stall
Will they hear us then?
At least we aren't marching in the streets
At least they will not shoot us
Or harass us
Or arrest us
If we sit in our houses
And wait
Until they remember
That they are our servants
And that we, the people, are their masters
But I am a fool
I know that I am a fool
- or a dreamer
For writing such things
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