Why Businesses Don't Work

Photo Cred: www.naij.com
There is no reason why I should leave my office to go and buy ankara and fried sweet potatoes, and Iya Lucky (the akara and fried sweet potatoes seller round the corner from my office) is not there. This is why businesses don't work. It's a Monday morning! People are hungry from the weekend hangover and tiredness and Iya Lucky decides to be elusive; decides just not to show up. This is bad business practice.

Businesses also don't work because: competitors don't know how to compete.
Down the road from Iya Lucky's joint is another akara seller who is not as popular. On days the queue leading to Iya Lucky's twists and winds, this other woman's joint is almost empty. I found out why this morning: her akara and fried sweet potatoes are not as yummy and, most noticeably, not as big! This makes no sense to me... You're Iya Lucky's greatest competitor in the vicinity and, after all these years, you still haven't figured out that you need to increase the quality and size of your akara in order to be a serious competitor!

So, businesses don't work because:
1. Product suppliers fail customers (especially on days when disappointments can be avoided)
2. Product suppliers don't step up to the plate; they don't bring their best game to the table.


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