My Feminism

My feminism
prays that the sluggish driver in front of me is a man
My feminism
spends long hours dicing onions and seasoning goat meat

My feminism
is pro-bra and -heels and -corsets
My feminism
washes boxers and falls silent when emotions begin to rise

My feminism
sometimes lets sexist jokes slide
and other times, it bites, kicks, scratches and screams

My feminism
seeks out patriarchy,
which has so neatly folded itself into the pages of pop songs and television

My feminism
will raise warrior princesses;
will raise girls who understand the strength of women,
who understand the importance of being both servant and leader
both humble and brave
both graceful and brazen

My feminism
will raise knights for men;
will teach them that 'No means No'
That the world grants them privileges simply by  virtue of being born male
That it opens doors for them it keeps shut to their female counterparts
That it is noble to go against the grain
That it is noble to ask questions and demand answers


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