
Showing posts from 2015

Grumpy Boo



What I wanted to say to that woman who yelled at me (but didn't)

Remembering Till

Poems in December 10.

Poems in December 9.

Poems in December 8.

Poems in December 7.

Poems in December 6.

Poems in December 5.

Poems in December 4.

Poems in December 3.

Poems in November 2.

Poems in November 1.

An excerpt from a book with (presently) no name (and probably no future)

Of Writing and Changing the World

What are we supposed to do?

//draft [untitled]

#1: Notes for my daughter

Lagos' Subcultures

In which you are alone

Of Steve Carell, guts and the unknown

Big, Bad Feminism


Kings of Lagos

Lagos (I love this city)

Dear Christians

Of fame and influence

Ordinary men //a draft


The Abroaders

Writer's Block - Sarah and Felicia attend a house party

I cannot find myself //draft

Nigeria's Culture of Silence


Beast & Lover //draft

Pleasant Places