Melancholic Poetry #2 - I Wrote A Good Omelet by Nikki Giovanni

So, next in line is 'I Wrote A Good Omelet' by Nikki Giovanni. I love how simple and sweet this poem is. And it is so relate-able; because haven't we all been there? Falling for boys who stop your thinking faculties from functioning properly, who make you get your tenses all muddled up, who make you just want to lie down and catch your breath.

Now, I say this poem is sweet, but is it really? Because there is a difference between being head over heels in love with (falling for) someone and then just being a wreck, a mess, as a result of that falling, or as a result of the consequences of a relationship with that person. So which side was Giovanni on when she wrote this poem? I find it beautiful, nonetheless.

I Wrote A Good Omelet - Nikki Giovanni

I wrote a good omelet...and ate
a hot poem... after loving you

Buttoned my car...and drove my
coat the rain...
after loving you

I goed on red...and stopped on
green...floating somewhere in between...
being here and being there...
after loving you

I rolled my bed...turned down
my hair...slightly
confused but...I don't care...

Laid out my teeth...and gargled my
gown...then I stood
...and laid me down...

To sleep...
after loving you


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