This coming year, I want to start doing something different with my blog (mainly because I realize more people than I think read it and so perhaps I should try to have more structure and direction in the way/what I write).
So, in 2016 (and perhaps the years that will follow) I'll focus on five "types"/"general topics" of/in writing:
I will continue to rant about why Nigerians don't know how to say "Excuse me" when they bump into you or step on your shoes, why feminism is a necessity and why everyone is disappointed in President Buhari (a.k.a. Sai Baba a.k.a. Baba Go Slow a.k.a. How Hundreds Of People Gonna Die in Zaria Over A Weekend And You Won't Say A Thing About It?).
I will share my poems and the works of other poets I have and will come across.
Book Reviews
I'll review books (novels) I've read; I'm a slow reader and only manage to get through three to four books in a year.
Bible Study
I will share my findings in, most specifically, the ways Jesus interacted with women from the Scriptures; yes, because feminism, and because I think that's an aspect of the Bible that's often neglected -- Jesus and Women.
Other stuff like random chapters from the books living on my laptop, short stories I have written (or attempted to write) and those written by other people.
I'm not sure what the blog will look like in 2016; I'm still trying to decide whether or not (or rather, decipher how) to add links that will lead to each of the 'new' sections.
Finally, I don't know who you all are -- who read this blog -- but thank you for being here (you know who you are).
Here's to a prosperous new year!
"This year, I am entirely made of teeth."
- Brenna Twohy
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