Poems in December 9.

Warsan Shire is a Kenyan-born Somali-British poet. Her work carries the scent of home - of war, of fleeing, of trauma, of an absent father. I actually have semi-beef with Warsan because ever since she published her poetry pamphlet in 2011, Teaching My Mother How To Give Birth, she's removed the bulk of her work from the internet, so the poem I really want to share, I can't share because I can't find it anywhere. Lol. I've also heard a rumour that her full collection of poems is being published in 2016 (Yay!).

So, I'm not sure what the title of this poem is, by here is something by Warsan Shire.

You want me to be a tragic backdrop
so that you can appear to be illuminated,
so that people can say
‘Wow, isn’t he so terribly brave
to love a girl who is so obviously sad?’
You think I’ll be the dark sky
so you can be the star?
I’ll swallow you whole.


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