
Showing posts from June, 2014

The Book of Psalms #1 - Psalm 16: 5 & 6

This Day, A Resurrection by Alysia Harris

Melancholic Poetry #5 - Prayer Before Birth by Louis Mcneice


Cannibal - Poems by a maniac #3

Melancholic Poetry #4 - 34 Excuses For Why We Failed At Love by Warsan Shire

Stingy smile

Melancholic Poetry #3 - He Wishes For The Cloths of Heaven by William B. Yeats

Melancholic Poetry #2 - I Wrote A Good Omelet by Nikki Giovanni

Melancholic Poetry #1 - Resumé by Dorothy Parker

You will survive - Poems by a maniac #2

Musings - Poems by a maniac #1

Three years of Ibiene

My Nostalgia

Lagos & You

Nigerian Prayer (after Louis MacNeice)