1 - Abusive Lover (it's apparently our Independence)

I'm doing an October Poetry Challenge (#OctPoWriMo - October Poetry Writing Month); where you write a poem a day for the 31 days in the month of October.

This is Day 1's:

Abuse Lover

They say if there is life
Then there is hope
I might not mourn for you today
And for the heartaches you have caused

You are an abusive lover
I hate and then love you
I stay and then leave you
And there is nothing joyful in this
There is nothing to be proud of

When you chased me
All those years ago
Why didn't you tell me that you could be so cruel?
Why did you let me follow you
To a point of no return?

And I have formed a home with you
Built this house with you
I have borne children for you
Nursed cold days with you
But now you follow other women

Are my innards now too weary for you?
Too stretched
Too expended
Too old
Too familiar?

That you take my food and eat it elsewhere
You take my labour
My pride
My sanity
You place them in banks overseas

What do they have that I do not?
That you mock me abroad
Cast my name into mud with pigs
Make me a fool for other nations to scuff at
You make me nothing

You are an abusive lover
I love but cannot hate you
I want to leave but I stay
And there is nothing joyful in this
There is nothing to be proud of


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